Members (grouped by sector)
APCAP - Portuguese toll and motorway provider
ASFA - France parent organizsation of motorway providers
ASFINAG - Austrian express- and motorway provider
Autopistas - Spanish road provider
Autostrade de Brennero - A22 Brenner motorway provider
Brisa - Portuguese road infrastructure provider
BKOM Brno - Company for street network maintenance and operation
DPMB - Brno City Public Transport Operator
Cooperative ITS Corridor - Cooperation of NL, DE, AT in deploying C-ITS on a dedicated road segment
DARS - Slovenia´s road operator
Magyar Közút - Hungarian road operator
DPO - Ostrava City Public Transport Operator
PMDP - Pilsen City Public Transport Operator
SANEF - A France road provider which operates mainly in Normandy, Hauts-de-France and Grand-Est
SINELEC - Technology company of ASTM Group, the second largest roadway operator of the world
Die Autobahn - Road and traffic management authority of Germany
MDCR - Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
SŽDC - National railway infrastructure manager in the Czech Republic
ŘSD - Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Infrastructure, Republic of Slovenia
TII - Transport Infrastructure Ireland
City of Vienna, AT
City of Kassel, DE
City of Graz, AT
City of Verona, IT
Federal state of Salzburg, AT
Groupe Renault
Volkswagen Group
Volvo Group
AŽD Praha - Producer and supplier of signalling, telecommunication, information and automation technologies
Commsignia - specialized in the research, development, manufacturing and distribution of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) including Vehicle-To-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-To-Infrastructure (V2I) communication technologies
KAPSCH - Worldwide active group in the sector telecommunications and intelligent transport systems
NXP - is an American-Dutch semiconductor manufacturer
NeoGLS - offers innovative solutions for management of the road, transportation of goods, Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)
O2 Czech - O2 is the largest integrated telecommunications provider in the Czech market
RADOM Company
SWARCO - offers products, systems and services for security and comfort for all who are on the go
Ublox - offers wireless communication and positioning technology for any vertical and across them within ecosystems to ensure a sustainable connected future
Unex - provides wireless communication total systems and services in modular technology building blocks, including Wi-Fi, Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X), and Internet of Things (IoT)
V-TRON - V-tron's mission is to make roads safer via Vehicle-to-everything communication, not only for motorized vehicle drivers, but also for the most vulnerable road users
Yunex Traffic - global leader in intelligent traffic systems, offering the broadest end-to-end portfolio of solutions for adaptive traffic control and management, highway and tunnel automation and intelligent solutions for V2X and tolling systems.
CohdaWireless - World leader in this emerging field, setting the benchmark for tomorrow’s transportation with proven applications
Cybercom Group - Consulting company for information technology
Dunniq - Forerunner in the mobility, parking and energy sector, wants to improve the way people travel
GEVAS - Leading provider of traffic control center solutions in europe and innovative solutions in traffic engineering
INTENS Corporation - Company that offers services in the area of transport telematics
AlmavivA - Italian reseach facility for information and communication technology
CERTH-HIT - Centre for Reseach & Technology
Czech Technical University in Prague
i-sense group - Research Groups of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS). I-SENSE Group performs scientific research in areas of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Virtual Environments, Assistive Technologies, Smart Integrated Systems - Sensors, Communication, Platforms
University of Ljubljana
AEF - Independent interest group for the agricultural industry
CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium - leading European and international vehicles manufacturers, equipment suppliers, engineering companies, road operators and research institutions join forces for saving lives by research and development of C-ITS solutions
HELLASTRON - Hellenic Association of all modern motorways and toll infrastructures of Greece
ITS HELLAS - Working group to promote the development and deployment of ITS in Greece
ITS mobility - Mobility cluster of northern Germany. It brings together economy and science
SEOPAN - has the objective of actively promoting investments in infrastructure in Spain